
Tuesday, 17 February 2015

From Ghanzi onwards to Guma Lagoon

We left Ghanzi for Nguma Lodge and landed up in Goma Lagoon not far away from Nguma Lodge.  On the way we had a blowout of our hind left wheel and had to repair that in the intense heat of Botswana.
The road from Etsha 13 to Guma Lagoon was deep sand, but both me with the Cruiser and Cari with the Hilux made it to the camp without help.

This lagoon is a mighty one!  The lodge's main deck offers a view of the beautiful, blue lagoon with the sun setting over it.  A real great place to spend relaxed, peaceful time.  Mokoro and motorboat trips can be enjoyed and depart from nearby the deck.  Of course there's always a friendly face at the bar to make sure nobody dehydrates unexpectedly in the heat!  We are both glad we visited Guma Lagoon before we die.

The campsites at Guma Lagoon are large, near the lodge, have their own private ablutions and huge, shady trees to camp under.  Loads of birds live in the trees and we saw several species we never saw before.  Beautiful, cleared paths through the bush lead to the lagoon from where one can view and enjoy the wonderful nature.  Just being there in this wonderful setting in the Okavango Delta is something to remember for a lifetime.

On the main deck at Guma Lagoon people from all over the world congregate to relax under massive trees and undergrowth, chatting, enjoying drinks deciding on which activities they want to partake in.

No takers for Mokoro (hollowed-out tree trunks)trips so far, but there's a few anglers trying for the popular Tiger Fish and others just taking a boat ride on the lagoon and into the many channels where one can meet many an animal or bird on very short notice!

The Bushies preferred to sip drinks on the deck and later retired to the wonderful campsite to braai and sleep, listening to the night sounds of Hippos and different species of owls and other night-creatures.

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