
Sunday, 10 May 2015

From Aub Lodge to Red Dune Camp on the C15

Still not really wanting to leave Namibia, we drove on a little distance and passed a farmhouse on the right of the road,  In front of the place was a board with the name "Red Dune Camping" and we decided to investigate.
We were welcomed by a very friendly gentleman who told us that we can camp on a dune some distance from the road.  We took off to the campsite and were surprised by the natural beauty of the place.  There were water and rustic ablutions, quite luxurious according to bush standards. Investigating the area a bit, we found another campsite further on the dune with the same standard of amenities, but a little bit smaller.  That will make a very nice camping spot for a few couples.  To get onto the dune, one needs a 4x4 with soft tyres.
Back at our camp, we took a few pictures and made a fire for our usual  braai and chat before rising the tent and got into bed for a good night's sleep listening to the night sounds of the Kalahari.

Our camp at Red Dune.  Quite a large group can overnight here on their way to or from the Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park

Late afternoon picture taken from the dune.  

A view from the dun over the "straat" (road) towards the other dunes.  The Kalahari people call the valley between the dunes  a straat which means road or way.

A Shepherds Tree with typical roots dug into and spread around the tree in the dunes.

The smaller camp with its own Shepherds Tree. It also have a deck where a small tent may be pitched.

Strange shapes of some of the Shepherds Trees in the Kalahari

Taken on the dune towards the Safari Tent in the far distance.  This tent is very nice for people who want some more luxury in the dunes of the Kalahari.  

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